Monday, November 7, 2011

Speech Therapy - San Jose State University

I have moderate expessive and receptive aphasia; severe verbal apraxia.  I have been attending for 2 years and I like it.

"Students, faculty, staff and local residents are welcome to inquire about our services. Referrals are accepted at any time."  ~SJSU Speech Therapy web

"The goal of KACCD is to train students in the service delivery of speech-language pathology. Thus, services are provided by SJSU students enrolled in our programs. The students are supervised by our licensed and certified speech-language pathologists and audiologists." ~  ~SJSU Speech Therapy web

"Services are provided at no charge to registered SJSU students and at a competitive cost to all others. The KACCD does not accept insurance or other third party reimbursements. Fees are paid in advance at the beginning of each
semester for therapy. Most sessions are one or two 50-minute visits per week."  ~SJSU Speech Therapy web  

You can find it at
SJSU - Speech Therapy

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